What an amazing trip! We got back to Iquitos the 14th of December from our mission trip to Yurimaguas.
As many of the mission school students have family living in Yurimaguas, arriving in the church for the first time felt much like coming home. Many were the mothers and sisters and brothers of the students, and were missing their family terribly. And being professors at the school, Christy and I found that our reputations had already preceded us (fortunately in a positive way! J) One young man greeted us saying, "I had heard from my brother that I could trust you, that you were someone I could talk to."

Through this some-what established relationship, we were able to connect more deeply than I would have imagined. Not just spiritually, but through fellowship, laughter, tears, food, and everything else that friendship entails! We were able to serve side by side with them, an honor after being given the opportunity to teach their kids at the mission school. And several of these same mothers and fathers experienced inner healing and spiritual renewal through the course of the week. And how wonderful to come home and share the exciting news with the students here! There were tears in one student's eyes as he heard of the unbelievable changes occurring in his family back in Yurimaguas.